Daofile Premium – kind and highly recommended

What is the importance of a Daofile premium account?

Daofile is one of the most popular sites that enable users to upload files such as TV shows, large documents, movies, games, videos and music and any other important file that they would like to store online or share with their fellow internet users, family and friends. What makes Daofile premium account unique and impressive is that it includes an option for pay per sale and pay per download. The Daofile premium is offered to new users for free.

If you would like to find out more about this provider, please click here: https://daofile.info/

Features of the Daofile premium account

The Daofile premium comes with unique and interesting features that promote online data storage and sharing. The following are some of the features that come with the Daofile premium account.

  • Ease of use – What made me like this premium account is the fact that it is designed in such a way that anyone can easily use it since it is simplified and straight to the point.
  • No ads – With the premium account, you don’t have to worry about ads that frequently pop up on the screen while you are busy working or uploading files on your account.
  • Unlimited uploads – In case you have lots of files to upload, then the Daofile premium account is the best account to use. You can upload as many files as you wish since there is no restriction as to the limited size of file uploads.
  • Unlimited, fast download speeds – With the Daofile premium account, you can be assured of unlimited fast download speeds. As a matter of fact, I was amazed when I once downloaded a 4 Gigabytes file and it went pretty fast. You will also not experience queues when downloading files since you can download numerous files at a go.
  • Anonymous, safe and secure – You don’t have to worry about your files being insecure when you upload them online anymore. The Daofile premium is a secured and safe account to store and share your files online. The reason behind this is simply because the services offered by Daofile are completely anonymous hence no one can access them without your consent. The Daofile premium hosts your files on a heavily secured server that is hard for strangers to access. Therefore, this proves the point that Daofile takes adequate security measures to ensure that your files are safe.

The Pros of Daofile premium

There are many pros that come with the use of Daofile premium account. First of all it is important to note that Daofile is currently one of the best file hosting sites with excellent and unique features. The following are some of the pros that come with using the premium account.

  • Absence of ads on all the pages of the service. This implies that the pages are free from ads or any other online pop-ups that might distract you while working online.
  • There is no restriction to speed of file downloading. This implies that one can freely download as many files as they wish since it provides unlimited file download with fast speed. There is also no pause before downloading a file.
  • Possibility to download files in several streams. This implies that there are no queues when downloading files. One can also use download managers when downloading files from their account.
  • Unlimited period for storing files. This implies that you can store your files on the Daofile premium account without an estimated period of time.
  • No restrictions to speed and size of file uploading to the site. This implies that one can upload many files of different sizes to the site without having to worry about the speed or size.

My experience with the premium account

Since I started using the Daofile premium, I have benefited a lot since it has simplified my work by making online file hosting a free ride in the park. As mentioned above, the premium account is one of a kind and highly recommended to anyone that would wish to download and upload files on this site.